120-hour fast: made it!

That's right: I just finished my first ever 120-hour fast! It's currently Friday afternoon at 4:42pm, and I haven't eaten since Sunday at 4:45pm!

I would definitely call this a success. It was a pleasant experience, I felt great the entire time, tons of energy, good, level moods. To amp up the challenge even further, I went swimming at the 115 hour mark, for a solid 45 minutes of laps, just today! I had mild headaches here and there, but they were never severe and always went away without medication. No dizziness at all, and after Tuesday evening, I had almost no hunger pangs whatsoever. I also lost 7 lbs! You can only burn up to 0.5lb of fat per day, so the rest of that will be water, but that water weight is still important to lose. I expect 1-2lbs of regain once I start eating again, which is completely normal.

What I drank during this one:

  • Water (about 1-1.5 litres per day)
  • Sparkling water (I've just discovered PC's grapefruit-flavoured one (no added anything, just natural flavour!) and it's so good!) 
  • Coffee with up to 1 tbsp of cream (3 cups in total)
  • Black tea with a splash of milk
  • Powdered chicken broth (3 cups in total)
  • Green tea (approximately 5 million cups!) 

Any down sides?

Sleep: often when I'm fasting (and I've heard that this is common), I actually feel so energetic that it's difficult to sleep, and I definitely had some trouble with that this week. I slept lightly, woke easily, and had trouble falling asleep throughout. Still, it's a small price to pay!

How I'm planning to break this one: gently!! The reintroduction of food can be a bit bumpy for the body. What I've found works well is to eat an avocado, wait about half an hour, then eat a light keto meal. Tonight, however, the family is going out for Indian (buffet! So great for eating around the carbs!) to celebrate my mother's birthday, so - avocado, maybe a small salad, then Indian later on. We'll see how it goes! Anyway, this has been a very good experience. Looking forward to eating over the weekend, then going back to my regular, shorter fasts next week. :)


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