Fixing the metabolism
Someone I've known for years asked me the other day if I had had weight loss (bariatric) surgery, and was astonished when I said no. She then asked me, very curiously, why not, and that led into a long conversation about what I'm doing and why. I've talked about this before, but let me just say this: bariatric surgery (gastrectomy (gastric bypass or vertical sleeve, duodenal bypass, or adjustable lapband) can help some people a lot. They lose weight (at least initially). However, what this surgery won't do is something very key: fixing the metabolism. Our metabolisms are like the metronome that our bodies run on. I'm no internist, but it's something like the speed at which energy gets burned, more or less. Back around Canadian Thanksgiving, my friend Nathan decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner, but then the turkeys were on sale, so he bought two and we celebrated American Thanksgiving, too! I had been fasting (my standard-ish 42 hours) until lunch that day,...