Halfway to my first goal!

After getting slightly stalled with my first weight loss plateau (which I mainly attribute to two short vacations in one month and a lot of going-away activities!), I've now lost 70 lbs and am just over halfway to my first goal!

Before I go any further, let me just say that weight isn't everything. It's far from being everything! It's one measurement of several which can give a person an idea of their overall health. Other good ones would include: body fat index, waist size, and just overall feeling. That last one can be tough to discern if you're used to feeling the same way all the time, though - you might not even know how much better you could be feeling if you made some changes! To each their own, however!

In my particular case, I have large, dense bones that don't break easily, and my body builds muscle well and doesn't let go of mass of any kind easily. I'd privately always sort of thought that weight loss wouldn't even be possible for me - that it totally was for other people, but in my case it was hopeless and therefore pointless to even try. I'm living proof that it's absolutely possible to change your body, change your palate, reduce your hunger, get rid of fat, and gain more energy! I feel years younger than I used to, with more energy than I remember having had since I was a child. I mean that. It's pretty cool!

The things I'm doing - cutting out almost all carbs (my aimed-for maximum is 30g per day, which includes fruits and vegetables), all sugar and its replacements, whether artificial or natural, limiting calories at 1,200/day, and particularly fasting (both intermittent short bursts of 24 hours and extended periods of 42-90 hours) - are a plan I designed for myself because I have a significant amount of weight to lose. That said, the things I'm doing are also things that would be healthy for anyone to try! As I've said before, children and pregnant women (or women trying to become pregnant) shouldn't fast. Type 2 diabetics should talk to their doctors and keep their blood sugar levels monitored while fasting. Apart from these factors, anyone can fast, whether we're talking about high performance athletes or very sedentary elderly people. Give a shot! My "big secret" is that it's easier than it sounds. Really.

Meanwhile, here's to the next 70 lbs!


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