My One Unbreakable Rule
I have a list of things I aim to do with my new way of eating/living, such as:
Don't eat when you're not hungry!!!
As I've said in my post on hunger, the feeling of hunger is produced by a hormone, not by your stomach's actual level of fullness or emptiness. Here are questions to ask before eating something:
- keep within keto guidelines (maximum of 30g of carbs per day)
- drink more green tea
- cap calories at 1,200 (not counting what's burned in intense exercise)
- eat more fibre
- eat more cinnamon
- get more sleep
- drink more water
- meditate
- walk more
- take on physical challenges (hills, long flights of stairs, etc)
- do more planks
- fast in varying periods
Don't eat when you're not hungry!!!
As I've said in my post on hunger, the feeling of hunger is produced by a hormone, not by your stomach's actual level of fullness or emptiness. Here are questions to ask before eating something:
- am I just thirsty? (Many people misidentify thirst as hunger, and North Americans are typically under-hydrated!)
- am I just bored?
- am I just tired? (Being deprived of sleep often results in feeling extra hungry!)
- is this just a time when I'm accustomed to eating? (Meal times are entirely negotiable...)
- do I just like this food?
- do I genuinely need sustenance right now? (And before you answer that one, keep in mind that the world record for fasting is 388 days!)
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